Lucy and Cora ( 4 days old) |
Greetings from Port Lincoln - Australia.
God continues to bless our family, this time with a new addition to our family,Cora Lieto Waddell was born 12/09/12 she weighed 2.9kg . I had a c section ( planned ) and she came at 37 weeks, obviously earlier than planned but this was due to my high blood pressure. Cora spent some time in the incubator as she was jaundice but now she is a (normal ) colour and has plenty of energy. We did have to be re -admitted back to hospital when Cora was 2.5 weeks old, due to a stomach problem, but after tests we got the all clear and just have to keep and eye on things.
Cora is now 5 weeks old and putting on weight, she has lovely dark blue eyes and a cheeky grin. A community mid wife has been coming to the house each week to check on Cora's weight etc and today the nurse said she was going so well she wont need to come and visit again, so that's really good news.. Cora will get her first immunisations before we head back to Mwandi at the end of October and I will carry on getting the rest of her immunisations from Namibia as we did for Lucy.
Lucy has taken a few weeks to get use to having some competition for her parents attention. But she does love Cora and always giving her allot of hugs and kisses.Lucy has grown up some much during the time we have spent in Port Lincoln and fitted in so well at Sunday School, Creche, Kinder gym and playing with friends children. I do feel quite sad that we are going home to none of these activities except pre-school. We just continue to pray that Lucy is adaptable in all ways to the culture that surrounds us in Zambia.
We are so thankful to all our family and friends for the support they all give us while we are back in Australia . We could never afford to stay here for an extended period without living with my parents and we really appreciate everything they do for us. We are very blessed with great friends all around the world and wonderful parents.
During our time in Port Lincoln we both have continued our Mwandi work daily, visiting Church groups and catching up with previous visitors to Mwandi. Its been great to see our friends of Mwandi and meeting new friends that wish to visit the OVC Project in the future.
Pastor Mudenda, Rev Wezi Manda have been working hard to keep all programs running smoothly at the OVC project in Mwandi , during my absence. Other staff members have been doing a great job and I most certainly really look forward to be heading home to see staff, volunteers and children at the project. We are blessed with good people serving the Lord at our project.
This month we had printed a Mwandi OVC Project fundraiser 2013 calender. The photos are of the children who attend all of our programs at the OVC Project. If you are interested in buying a calender or willing to sell some for us then please let me know. We are selling them for $15 each plus freight/handling. The photos were taken by a professional photographer and good friend, Tim Berry who visited Mwandi in 2011 with his wife.
Visiting Mwandi UCZ Mission in 2013 - If you are interested in coming to visit us at the OVC Project in Mwandi 2013, please start planning now as quite a few people are visiting next year and staying in the OVC visitors house. If you want information about coming to visit Mwandi UCZ Mission please contact me on
Prayer Points
- For safe travelling home to Mwandi for our family from Australia at the end of October.
- Continued financial support to the OVC Project to keep all program running.
- All children who are suffering from HIV and the effects of HIV/AIDS.
- For Coras body to grow stronger each day and for the rest of our family to keep strong, encouraging and humble to what ever the Lord places on our path.
Until next time,
Take Care
Fiona, Ruairidh, Lucy and Cora